If an injury has stopped you from practicing your passion or career in powerlifting, the MVMT Osteo team will create an individualised program for you. We will first assess your biomechanics and specific goals, and then come up with a rehabilitation program that will help you get back to powerlifting. 

Tailored and optimal injury management program

Localised injuries in the spine, shoulders and knees are the most common in powerlifting. After all, this activity requires strength and power, which can put an unbelievable load to our back, shoulders and knees. 

Despite the risks of injury, you still have put your mind and body into powerlifting. That sense of accomplishment is unmatched when you’ve done something seemingly impossible and you demonstrated your raw power. But when an injury stops you from doing that, you feel that there’s something big missing and this might affect your confidence. 

Our role here at MVMT

To get you back on the game and rebuild your muscle, strength and confidence, the MVMT Osteo team is here.  

It’s still all up to you (your will and discipline). Our role here is to make the job a bit easier and help ensure that your efforts will indeed get you back to powerlifting. Literally, you’ll still do all the heavy lifting while we keep an eye every step of the way. 

We can use a hybrid approach of osteopathy and strength and conditioning. We will use our knowledge in biomechanics and clinical science as well as our own passion and expertise in strength training. This way, you will benefit from the best technical advice and assistance available in the field. 

Powerlifting is much more than just squat, bench press, and deadlift. It’s also about building mental strength and extreme discipline. After all, if it’s easy, everyone would have done it. This sense of challenge and accomplishment is what pushes you to test your limits. Our role here is to help you exceed new limits in the future once you safely get back to your career or passion.